Friday Fire

I’ve been thinking a lot about energy this week. What gives and takes away my energy? How can I become attuned to energy dips more quickly before they spiral? You’ll probably notice that this week’s offerings are all connected to energy in some sense. May you find something here that lights you up as well. Here we go.

1. Earth meditation: If I’m honest, although I like Joe Dispenza’s work, I struggle with his meditations. And it’s purely superficial. His voice doesn’t resonate for me, and that’s key for me with guided meditations. But this week I took a chance on one of his meditations, which I thought was focused on self-healing but is really about connecting with Earth. I was shocked at how powerful I found this meditation. It’s the first time in a long time I’ve become emotional during a meditation, which for me is a sign that I’ve actually left my thinking mind. Word of caution: this is a longer meditation (25ish minutes).

2. Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen: Love him or hate him (and his views), my own take is that Jonathan Franzen is gifted at capturing the deeply buried longing for abandoned dreams, our fear of facing our darker emotions and the complexity of family enmeshment. I identify deeply with the humanness of his characters. I’m only half-way through this one, but I’m loving it so far.

3. This passage from Untethered Soul: I’ve written about Untethered Soul before, and I’ll probably write about it again. But when it comes to views to challenging misconceptions about energy, I find this passage the clearest and most succinct. Really sit with it and ask yourself how often you default to attributing your energy to external factors.

What you’ll see, if you watch carefully, is that you have a phenomenal amount of energy inside of you. It doesn’t come from food and it doesn’t come from sleep. This energy is always available to you. At any moment you can draw upon it…The only reason you don’t feel this energy all the time is because you block it. You block it by closing your heart, by closing your mind, and by pulling yourself into a restrictive space inside.”

Michael Singer, Untethered Soul

4. Weekend hikes: That’s right, hikes, as in plural. This past weekend was abnormally warm (again), which still fuels my anxiety in ways I’m struggling to cope with. But it also afforded opportunities for adventures in the sun that felt rejuvenating. It’s a joy to hike in winter without wearing excessive layers, and without severe post-hike chills. We ventured into a popular trail where it proved challenging to capture the grandness of snow-clad mountain vistas without people in the way. Below is my best effort at a photo sans hikers. Standing in the (warm!) sun, half-donut in hand (excellent hike fuel, IMHO), taking in panoramic mountains with blue-sky backdrop was such a soul-fuelling experience. I followed it up with a less sunshine-y hike on Sunday that was no less joyous an experience. Fresh air, snow and mountains will always bring a smile to my face.


May this weekend bring you energy of your own making, or at least challenge you to consider where you may be blocking your own energy with a closed heart or mind. Breathe deeply and find the courage to let go of whatever you’re seeking to protect. I’ll be right there in it with you. Happy weekend, y’all.

Friday Fire

Welcome to another Friday Fire, and it’s been a fiery week indeed. As in, it’s been very, very unseasonably warm. As nice as it is to have a 9 degree day in early February, the anxious part of me immediately goes to climate change and how this is something we probably shouldn’t celebrate. The non-anxious part of me tries to at least accept what is. It’s an internal battle, friends.

That said, much lit me up this week. Let’s get right to it.

1. Guests: We’ve had very few guests since settling into our little mountain town. I suppose a pandemic will do that. But this week, friends we hadn’t seen for over two years popped into town and stayed for a couple of days. What a delightful way to shake up a routine work week, and how nice it is to catch up on life in three dimensions instead of a laptop screen. Here’s hoping easing restrictions will mean more guests this Spring and Summer!

2. Daim cake: Our dear friends kindly brought us a Daim Cake from IKEA. I love guests who show up with dessert. They are my favorite kind of guests. I had never heard of Daim, and don’t recall ever seeing it at IKEA, although I also haven’t set foot in an IKEA in well over five years. It was a dream. Wafer-like layers, caramel, almond brittle, milk chocolate: how can one go wrong with that combination? The answer is that you cannot. If you live near an IKEA, pick up one of these bad boys.

3. More fresh air!: After lamenting my (self-created) lack of exposure to nature last week, I made up for it in spades this week. I had at least four walks and/or outdoor adventures, including a lengthy nature walk with our guests. I love seeing the mountains through visitor’s eyes, and found my energy and spirits much higher this week just by virtue of breathing in more fresh air. The moral of the story: nature really is restorative.

4. Donuts!: Our town has what I consider a severe lack of donuts. So far, I’ve seen one bakery with donuts, and they look sad. Some time last week, I decided to Google donuts in our neighboring mountain town and found all sorts of reviews and comments about a pop-up donut business called Frankie D’s Donuts. They don’t make donuts daily, so imagine the good fortune of finding their website one day prior to their next pre-order day. I decided to give it a go, and I’m glad I did. The chocolate donut has the best chocolate coating I’ve had on a donut, and the maple glazed donut wasn’t cloyingly sweet. And for a yeasted donut (full disclosure: I am usually team cake donut all the way), the texture of the donut itself was pretty damn good. They are pricey but they are made in small batches by locals and sometimes that comes with a higher price tag. Bonus points: tips are donated directly to the local SPCA. If I can help animals and eat donuts, I am a happy camper. I’m extra excited for the apple fritter, which we are saving for Saturday morning breakfast. Hallelujah for access to decent donuts, even if it’s only every once in a while!

With that, let’s ease into the weekend. I plan to soak in as much sunshine as I can, and to let go of the tension I’ve been carrying (or at least get to the real root of where it’s coming from). May you find time and space for whatever feels necessary to you right now. Happy weekend, y’all!

Friday Fire

Do you ever have one of those weeks when you feel like you are your own worst enemy? That’s the kind of week I’ve had. I have blocked my own energy quite nicely, leaving me feeling tired and less-than-optimistic. I’ve been able to see it clearly, and occasionally lift myself out of it, and then in other moments I’ve just allowed myself to stew in it. What a delight. Nonetheless, I’ve found pockets of lightness and joy. Here’s what lit me up this week:

1. Increasing strength: I’ve had little interest in venturing outside this past week, so I’ve been focused on at-home workouts and increasing my weight and reps for various exercises. It’s been a delight to experience a sharp increase in strength, to feel as though I am finally reclaiming the physical power that I let (sharply) fall off some time around last Spring. For me, gaining physical strength is a reminder of my overall strength and the human capacity to be more. For any of you who have plateaued or let your investment in strength slide, may this be a nudge to push yourself ever-so-gently in a way that feels right for you.

2. Reading: I’ve been powering through books at lightening speed (for me at least). The one-click purchase of digital downloads is a game charger. It’s not good for my pocket book, but at least my heart and soul are benefiting. Since my Kindle arrived, I’ve read three books and am half-way through another two. That may not sound like a lot, but I’m fairly confident that it’s more books than I read in the entirety of 2021. For those interested, I am currently reading Hanya Yanagihara’s To Paradise–I am about 120 pages in and I am loving it so far. I also recommend one of her other novels, A Little Life, although I will warn you it is, in parts, intensely uncomfortable and emotionally heavy.

3. Yellowjackets: I won’t even pretend that I have unique taste in streaming choices. I basically check out whatever is trending/whatever people are talking about. I almost dismissed Yellowjackets because someone described it as like “I Know What You Did Last Summer”, which I don’t really remember in any detail except thinking it was a terrible movie. Still, we were desperate for a new show so we binged this in mere days. Partly, we burned through it so fast because my streaming subscription was close to expiry, but mostly it was because we (mistakenly) thought it was a limited series that would be resolved fully by the end. While we didn’t get resolution at the end of the season, we ended up loving it. I will say I had to cover my eyes for extended periods, as I absolutely cannot tolerate blood, gore, or excessive violence. I also had a nightmare about the show, which I couldn’t remember after waking other than knowing it was supremely disturbing. So I guess watch at your own risk if you’re sensitive to such things. Clearly it’s not good for me to watch either, but I still eagerly await Season 2. We can’t always make the healthiest of choices, right?

4. Return of date night: We took a break from date nights in December, partly because Omicron was sweeping through town and we didn’t want to risk being sick over Christmas, and partly because we have so much food in the house over the holidays we tend not to go out much anyway. Last Saturday we had our first date night out in at least a month, if not slightly longer. What a joy it was to be out amongst the living, in real clothes with washed hair, sharing plates of deliciousness and sipping on one too many cocktails (which for me these days means two cocktails). Though I regretted the second cocktail immensely after the fact, in the moment it was a wonderful evening and a reminder to carve out dedicated time and space with those who matter in your life.

With that, let us step into a fresh week and a weekend that (hopefully) creates space for rest and rejuvenation. May you find light and ease in whatever you choose to do, and may you be your own friend instead of enemy. That is certainly my goal for this weekend. Happy weekend, y’all.

Holiday Fire

Well, we have somehow arrived at the final Friday Fire of 2021. With Christmas and NYE falling on the next two Fridays, it feels like the right time to wrap up this year with a special Holiday Fire. And today is a bit different, because we’re going to acknowledge that the holidays are not magical for everyone.

This time of year there is so much pressure to be joyful and jolly, to give and show gratitude, to visit with friends and family, to curate the perfect holiday home, or to bake and cook the most delicious of holiday delicacies. Is it any wonder so many of us feel frenzied and tired? Is it any wonder that so many of us who may not have the urge to do these things at all, whether it’s because they don’t celebrate Christmas or they aren’t feeling it this year, might feel ashamed, excluded or even lonelier?

No matter where you may be on the holiday spirit spectrum, you may need to hear that there is nothing wrong with you. Give yourself permission to feel what you feel, and show up during this season in a way that meets your needs. In short, do you and trust that it’s enough.

In recognition of the vast range of experiences this time of year, I am choosing to share a list of things that I find energizing regardless of season and whether I’m joyful or not. May you find something here that brings you greater peace, joy or energy even if only for a brief period of time.

1. Dance party for one: I’ve written about this before and I will probably write about it again. If you want an instant energy boost, get up and dance, preferably alone so you can embrace how silly you might look. This works particularly well if you love music. If this isn’t your jam, see below.

2. Giving or asking: For those of you who have lots to give, the act of giving through time or financial resources can be such an energizer. I have a tendency this time of year to seek out animal rescue organizations because that’s my jam, but find whatever avenues are meaningful for you and consider small ways to give. Not all of us are in a position to give with time or resources, and to you I offer asking for support, help, time or financial resources. We can hold a lot of shame and guilt around asking for help, and yet our fear of the reaction is often far worse than reality, and the relief and joy that we feel when someone can help us out can be so very beautiful. Asking for help can look like calling a friend and saying you need someone to talk to, or reaching out to community organizations to see what programs and services are available. The key is the reaching out. We all need help and support in one way or another. Consider making this the year you ask for what you need.

3. Small indulgences: Small indulgences can be a beautiful thing, whether it’s buying yourself something small that you’ve been putting off or baking yourself an elaborate dessert. Indulgence gets a bad reputation, but I believe there is a difference between mindfully indulging and over-indulgence. That line is different for all of us, but my hunch is that you know where your personal line is. Treating yourself to small and mindful indulgences can show you that you are there for yourself. They can bring you temporary joy and–let’s be honest–most of us can use a bit of extra joy after the last couple of years.

4. Movement and air: Fresh air and movement are going to boost heart rate and circulation, and release endorphins. I find it doubly satisfying if movement and fresh air occur amongst nature. Try it without headphones. Listen to the sounds around you, breathe deeply, stop and examine what you see around you. If it’s insanely cold where you are (as it is here today…-30 celsius…yikes!), get moving inside in a way that you love (or at least don’t hate!). I have been exercising for decades and I promise you most days I don’t feel like it until I get going, and I rarely regret after I feel the corresponding energy and mood boost. Simply the act of standing up and inhaling and exhaling deeply from belly will earn you quick results.

5. Meeting yourself where you’re at: Often, we beat ourselves up when we aren’t feeling great about the state of things. When we’re down around the holidays and it seems like everything around us is all ‘joyful’ and ‘jolly’, it can make us feel like we should just be able to get into the holiday spirit. Should is a dangerous word. Should is founded in guilt, in denial of how you truly feel. Better to meet yourself where you’re at, feel what you’re feeling, accept it, and (hopefully by virtue of that) let it pass through you. Get curious: What am I feeling? Where do I feel it in my body? What happened that might have contributed to this? After you’ve sat with your feelings for a bit, you may be able to ask yourself what is one way that I can bring myself comfort right now? Notice that’s very different from asking how you can get happy or get over your feelings. Comfort is accepting where you’re at and working to calm your nervous system and bring it back to a more neutral space. When you’re down, neutral is a god damn dream.

And with that, it’s a wrap on 2021. May your year close in a way that brings you closure or comfort, and at least a glimmer of hope for the year ahead. Catch y’all in 2022.

Friday Fire

I missed last week. And I mean I really missed it, as in I didn’t even realize until Sunday that I’d not posted a Friday Fire. There goes my recent perfect streak. But I am back this week, a little tired, a little weary, and yet still seeing some beautiful things around me that lit me up this week.

1. Jim & Sasha on the Voice: I cannot express how much I love this father/son duo on the Voice. Evidently, the internet doesn’t agree with me (or so I learned today while Googling a video link to share). Do they have the best voices? Maybe not. But here is a father who has accepted his son, who was born female but identifies as male, and who is standing alongside him on a competition singing show. I cannot imagine the stress, nor having to deal with the public eye and their varying levels of acceptance for the transgendered. Still, they show up on stage week after week with big smiles and joy and so much love and respect for each other, and honestly I cry each and every week when I watch them perform.

2. Meditation Group: The universe continues to send me exactly what I need at the time I need it most. I am in the midst of delivering a really big program that is turning out to be wonderful and also very exhausting. So imagine how thrilled I was that a friend just so happened to be starting up a 21 day meditation group that runs the full length of that program. Each day, I receive a short guided meditation and it’s been such a delight to shut off the television each evening and create space for quiet amidst a tremendous amount of career noise. My favourite so far is a simple practice in which we take 21 deep breaths, balancing our inhale and exhale evenly, then repeat two mantras three times each: “May I be safe. May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I live with ease.” and “May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease.” This is followed by another 21 breaths. It’s so uplifting and calming.

3. Holiday Season: Too soon? Not for me! In our house, we abide by a simple rule: the holiday season begins immediately after Remembrance Day. Well, friends, that means the holiday season starts today. There may be some decorating this weekend, and I am so looking forward to a month and a half of snow, twinkling lights and festivities. We’ve been blessed with one cat that pays no attention to Christmas trees and ornaments and we are both crossing our fingers that lightning strikes twice with Flash. If not, it will be an interesting exercise in strategic decorating this year!

4. Finding my groove in the kitchen: I used to love cooking and baking. But the past year has felt like a constant slog. I’ve felt uninspired and, really and truly, have dreaded almost all kitchen activity. I thought it was carryover from other things going on in my life that were bringing down my energy. But I’ve found in our new home, with a much roomier kitchen, that I no longer dread cooking and baking, even when I am busy or stressed. I’m thinking maybe, just maybe, I actually just hated our hold kitchen and its lack of counter space (and everything space really). Lately I’ve found the kitchen a space of fun, dancing and relaxation. This could bode very well for holiday baking this year…

5. The Alpinist: I love me a good mountaineering or climbing documentary. I am in awe of these athletes who climb really big and dangerous things and somehow keep their shit together. If you aren’t familiar with Marc-Andre Leclerc, I don’t want to give the story away. Hearing him describe the why of his climbing and the ultra-focused and zen-like state he enters into on climbs was just so beautiful and pure. Yes, this is a story of alpine climbing, but I’d say more so it’s the story of being true to yourself and unabashedly pursuing what you love most. It’s a story of living, and living in the moment. Just…watch it. You can stream it on Amazon Prime Video in Canada, and possibly other streaming sites elsewhere (though I haven’t looked).

With that, I leave you to your weekend. I will be mustering up the energy to lug Christmas boxes down from storage. Also, I will be making more space to just relax. That seems a fine balance, if you ask me. May you also find your perfect balance of doing and being this weekend.

Friday Fire

Once again, we find ourselves settling into Friday evening. Where I live, we saw our first snow this week, though it wasn’t nearly the volume I was hoping for. Still, it reminds me that we are diving into November, which brings even cooler weather, more snow and ever shorter days. For those of you who struggle with darkness stealing precious moments of daylight at an increasingly aggressive rate, I am with you. I recommend good lights and diving into your coziest of indoor hobbies, and reminding yourself every damn day that Spring is not as far away as we think. It’s the best I’ve got.

Let’s not get lost in dreaming of the future. Instead let’s come back to the present, and with that I’ll get on topic and share what lit me up this week.

1. Herbal Tea: I’ll start by saying, coffee will always be my number one love. I adore the flavour and would drink it all day if it didn’t throw off my sleep and throw my system out of whack. I’ve cut back to one mug of precious coffee each day (and you have no idea what a cutback that is for me). To ease my cravings for hot beverages, I’ve plunged back into the world of herbal teas and I’ve been loving it. My personal fave: lemon ginger tea with a wedge of lemon and a knob of ginger added in. So cozy. So comforting. And a bonus that it’s great for your digestion. Most importantly, it doesn’t leave me feeling sluggish and dehydrated.

2. Eden Method Daily Energy Routine: I’m fully aware this is going to be out there for some, but for anyone who believes in energy work, I’ve found this to be a wonderful energy booster this week. I stumbled upon this through while looking for energy clearing exercises for a workshop I’m leading. My workshop is with corporate leaders so…we won’t be using these. But I tried them out and loved them. If it’s not your jam, skip past it. But I’ve you’re looking for a relatively quick way to awaken your body and mind and possibly improve your energetic field, give it a whirl.

3. Getting back into strength training: I have a confession. I stopped strength training somewhere back in…July, I think. We were getting ready to move, then the wildfires hit and my outdoor workout space became far too smoky to use, then I just lost any and all interest in anything active. This week, I felt called back to strength work. I’m using ultra light weights to ease myself back in, but it’s felt magical. That’s how I know it’s what my soul needs right now. I invite you to listen to what your soul is asking for, and bring a little more of it into your life.

4. Work Focus: I don’t work full time, by choice, because I think it’s a ridiculous working model. This week I am getting myself ready to deliver a big, new program and I worked all five days. The big shocker was I didn’t feel drained, resentful or stressed. I was just in the zone, and if you’ve ever been in a work zone you know it’s a wonderful thing to experience.

5. Homemade Muesli: I’ve written about my homemade muesli before and I’m going to do it again. Much like strength training, I got off the muesli bandwagon around the time COVID took away my precious bulk bins, and then I sort of forgot about it. I’d been craving it recently and buying mediocre, overpriced boxed blends when it dawned on me that bulk bins are back. We have a great natural foods store in the town next door and I loaded up on my preferred blend of grains, nuts, seeds and fruit: barley flakes, spelt flakes, oats, dried cherries (don’t let the price tag dissuade you, they are worth every damn penny), coconut (unsweetened), sunflower seeds (unsalted…trust me) and pecans. I just use my preferred ratio of stuff, spreading everything but the dried fruit on a large cookie sheet, toasting for about 10 minutes at 325 (watch it closely because coconut burns in a flash). Let it cool, add the fruit, and store it in a dry, cool place. Voila, muesli that is just the way you want it, which is really how every breakfast should be.

Now that I’ve rambled on about breakfast cereal, I will leave you to your weekend. I am dreaming of/wishing for more snow, and I hope that the universe listens. I hope the same for you, that whatever you want most lands squarely in your lap. Happy weekend.

Friday Fire

Welcome to yet another Friday Fire. As I’ve come to expect, this week brought me all manner of experiences from delightful to less-than-delightful. I have tried to accept them all as part of life, sometimes more successfully than others. Amidst all of these ups and downs, here is all that lit me up this week.

1. This: Yup.

2. Baby-Sitters Club Season 2: For those of you who weren’t 8-12 year old girls during the height of the Baby-Sitters Club book series, you may just want to skip this item on the list. I was (and still am, really) a die-hard BSC fan. As a child, I could not buy these books fast enough and I still deeply regret donating my collection. The Netflix series has somehow perfectly captured the nostalgia of the series, without being so tied to the book’s storylines that it feels out of date. I absolutely adore it. My only gripe is that the seasons are far too short. If you used to read this series, and have been disappointed by other BSC movies and shows in the past, let me assure you that this version is SO MUCH BETTER than past versions.

3. Warm days on the trails: We’ve had some absolutely delightful Fall weather, with sunshine and (relatively) warm temperatures, and I’ve been taking advantage. I know all too soon the cold will steal the fragrant alpine aromas, so I’ve been breathing deeply while the smell of warm sun on trees still fills the air.

4. Coaching certification: I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I finally finished all my coursework, assignments and coaching calls for my certification and this week I officially got my credential. I have mixed feelings about credentials and designations in general, so much so that at various times I seriously contemplated dropping out, so I am proud of myself for seeing it through. Shameless plug: I am ramping up my coaching work with clients looking to work through career, wellness or life transitions, and if you’d like to know more about my approach you can send me a DM.

5. An amazing ice cream concoction: I know that managing stress with food is not the way to go, but yesterday I did so with full awareness and acceptance. The result was a truly fantastic creation I’d like to share with you. As one who often keeps cookie dough in the freezer (if you’re not on that bandwagon, I suggest you do), this was such an easy thing to throw together. First, I pressed one portion of cookie dough into a small muffin liner (in the tin, because it needs the structure). I then spread a small amount of natural peanut butter (for the health factor, obviously) on the bottom of cookie dough shell. Next, I softened a small amount of vanilla ice cream and stirred in one chopped Oreo and a few chopped peanut butter M&M’s. I tossed that into the cookie dough liner and then melted a bit of milk chocolate with some coconut oil (so it freezes softer) and spooned it on top. Finally, I put on my patient pants and froze it for several hours. It was the perfect cookie dough ice cream cookie cup and, more importantly, exactly what my soul needed in that moment.

With that, I wish you all a weekend that lifts your spirit and fuels your soul.

Friday Fire

Three weeks and counting! This week has flown by in a flurry of projects, outdoor adventures, highs and lows. Remember last week when I was waxing ecstatic about Roam transit? I’m not sure why the universe wanted me to temper my enthusiasm, but it clearly did because the very next day I found myself standing in freezing cold winds along with another dozen or so hikers waiting for a bus that never showed up. It was only an hour and fifteen minutes, but trust me that it feels much longer when you’re cold, and when there’s no cell reception to even attempt to look into what’s happened. Alas, I made it home safely in the end, and life goes on and I’m still pro bus.

Enough bus talk, let’s get to what lit me up this week.

1. Mid-Week Summer…promptly followed by mid-week snow: Ah, the mountains. On Tuesday it was just the most glorious day of sunshine and summery temperatures. I mean, above 20 degrees in October is such a blessing. I frolicked on trails and sat on my deck and it was magic. And then the next day was cold. And then the next day was even colder and it snowed. I am not complaining. This is Fall in the Rockies, and I absolutely adore the erratic weather.

2. Serendipitously timed work: I had this two week block of October with lots of open space in my calendar and wouldn’t you know that a client reached out with a project that will take place exactly during that time frame? You can try to tell me it’s a coincidence, but I know it’s divine intervention. It’s just too perfect a scope of work not to be. I am so thrilled with how my business is shaping up this year!

3. Surprise Fudge: Is there anything better than picking up your partner from work and seeing him carry a sack full of goodies from your favourite candy shop? Only if it’s a totally unexpected surprise, which this was. I have written about The Fudgery before, and honestly I am thrilled to be living in such close proximity to it again, because it means on a random Wednesday I might be gifted a milk chocolate snail (caramel and pecans smothered in milk chocolate) and a giant block of Oreo fudge. Life is good, friends.

4. Draco the cat! Okay, so 90% of my Instagram feed is cats. And way back in the Summer one of my favourite Instacats (@greatgramsofgary) posted about a missing cat in Jasper. I immediately started following Sirius and Draco. Little Draco had been hiking with his cat mom and dad when he got spooked and bolted. As a cat parent, this is pretty much my worst nightmare, and I become obsessed with their mission to bring Draco home. If you are a cat lover, give them a follow and you can flip through the past couple months’ posts and stories for a heartbreaking tale with a happy ending. So many locals helped search the trails for Draco when his parents couldn’t (they live far away) and even Parks Canada gave so much support. It’s truly such a beautiful example of community support and humans helping humans. After seven(!!!!) long weeks surviving in the woods, Draco was finally brought home yesterday. I squealed with glee when I saw the post and honestly it has made my week. I know I may sound crazy. It’s not my cat. I don’t know these people. Yet I can 100% imagine the absolute emotional torture of knowing your pet is out there trying his best to survive in nature, evading all rescue for seven agonizing weeks. And I can 200% imagine the insane joy and relief of finally bringing him home. My heart is full.

With that, let’s all settle into our weekends. We have more snow in the forecast, so it may finally be time for us to hang our pictures on our barren walls. But also, snow walks are a must. May you find adventures or coziness or whatever your heart desires this weekend. Happy weekend, y’all.

Friday Fire (on Saturday…again)

Fridays just haven’t been my zen spot lately. In truth, this transition period of leaving a job has been quite the experience for my ego. It’s kicking and screaming and, as a result, I’ve felt tired and detached. What a delight it is navigating our inner world, isn’t it?

Amidst all of this, I’ve still had pockets of joy, so here is my short list for this week in hopes it inspires you to reflect on what lit up your week:

1.Tennis: We bought tennis rackets on a whim, the cheap kind that clearly identify you on the courts as ‘not a real tennis player’. We’re not. Neither of us has played in at least fifteen years. But you know what? For two people who hadn’t played in 15 years, I think we were pretty awesome. More importantly, our two tennis outings this week can only be described as joyful. Like how did I ever let tennis fall out of my life? Also, if you don’t play tennis for 15 years then pick it up suddenly, you will experience some serious DOMS.

2. Coaching session: An old friend/colleague of mine is delivering a coaching program. I joined a session this week as I’ll be offering support to the current cohort. What. A. Delight. I don’t know if this happens to you often in your work, but sometimes I just know that I made the right choice. I absolutely loved every second of contributing to this group’s discussion and learning and left feeling high and energized. It’s a reminder that we all have spaces and places where we can contribute fully as ourselves. If you haven’t yet found yours, keep looking.

3. Giant cookies: Some days, I cannot shake the thought of a giant, chewy/slightly under-baked cookie. I had one such day last week and baked up a beauty. If you Google ‘giant cookie for one’ you will find countless recipes for such treats. I’ve come up with my own signature blend that (more or less) includes: 2.5 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tbsp granulated sugar, vanilla, 1-1.5 tbsp egg, salt, 2 tbsp oats (ground in a coffee grinder), pinch of baking soda, 4 tbsp flour and whatever mix-ins I have on hand (this week was pecans, cookies n’ creme eggies, and dark chocolate chips). Bake at 350 to the texture you prefer. You won’t be sorry. Some of you will think this an appalling sized cookie for one. You’re not wrong, and I don’t care. Also sidenote: Hershey’s Cookies n’ Creme Eggies were my Easter candy fail of the year. They were horrifyingly sweet (even for me, which is saying a lot), but they did work crushed up in cookies.

With that, I leave you to your weekend. I am getting my first haircut in close to two years (it’s a long story, very little related to COVID) and am excited at the prospect of being able to wear my hair down again. May you find something that excites you this weekend, too. I’ll catch you all next week.

Friday Fire

Hello and happy Friday. This week, it’s been arctic in my neck of the woods and so I come to you having not left the house in a whopping four days. Although I own all the necessary gear to brave far colder temperatures, I admit that the very thought of subjecting myself to this kind of cold is terribly unappealing. Alas, what lit me up this week are all things enjoyed safely from the warmth of my house.

1. Minimal social media: I don’t believe that social media is ‘bad’ in and of itself, but I do pay attention to how and when I choose to use it. I gave up Twitter years ago because reading comments got me so riled up, but I had stuck with Instagram (primarily for the cats) and LinkedIn (a seemingly necessary evil for promoting my business). Still, I had noticed myself reaching for my phone whenever I was feeling stressed, anxious or low-energy. Instagram cats had become my way of distracting myself from processing whatever emotions I was feeling at the time, and I was spiralling into some unhealthy comparisons and self-judgment every time I went on LinkedIn. So I stopped. I haven’t set eyes on Instragram in two weeks and have only scrolled through my LinkedIn feed twice in the same amount of time. Do I miss my Instagram cat friends? I sure do. Have I also been forced to reckon with the (often) uncomfortable emotions of the last couple of weeks? I sure have. I challenge all of us to contemplate a) when do we reach for our social media fix? and b) what are we potentially avoiding when we do so?

2. The Sinner Season 3: Netflix really makes you wait for “new” seasons of the Sinner. I believe this aired on its network last year and we’re only just getting now. However, I’m pleased to share it’s been worth the wait. It’s a dark season, but also one of the more interesting ones as the antagonist grapples with some intense existential questions. I recommend this.

3. Firefly Lane: On the other end of the spectrum is a soap-operish series. Thanks to our new second cat, who was still being kept in solitary confinement last weekend, I flew through the entire first season in three days. Much in the same way that I have an unabashed love for shows like Virgin River, Grey’s Anatomy, and even (god help me) Emily in Paris, I got hooked on this from the first episode and just went with it. I wouldn’t call this light television viewing, but it’s also dramatically unrealistic enough to somehow feel a bit fluffy and easy to watch.

4. Indoor workouts: I have written about my indoor “gym” before, and I will express gratitude for it yet again. Because when temperatures dip below -15 (okay, honestly when they dip below zero), there is no way in hell I’m exercising outside. Once again, my small but functional selection of equipment has been a saving grace and sanity-maintainer this week.

5. Salted Caramel Sauce: There are few things more magical to me than knowing that at any given moment I have a giant tub of home-made salted caramel sauce waiting for min my freezer. Did you know that you can freeze salted caramel sauce? Because you can. And it lasts a really long time and doesn’t ever freeze solid. Depending on your preferences for caramel thickness, you may even find it soft enough to consume straight out of the freezer (I do).  I use this recipe, but I find it much easier to control the sugar caramelizing process by adding some water to the sugar at the start. Do yourself a favour and make a big batch.

With that, let’s all dive head first into a weekend state of mind. Wishing you a weekend full of whatever fills you with joy. And also, wishing you all a little bit more warmth than I’ve been seeing this past week. Happy Friday, ya’ll!