Friday Fire

Hello and happy Friday! I’ve been on the road this week, back in my former city, and it’s been a nice change of scenery.  Any time I get to visit some of my favourite people and favourite old haunts, it’s a pretty good time. Let’s see what lit me up this week:

1. Reconnections: I somehow managed to balance work and non-work perfectly on this trip and was able to see almost everyone I really wanted to see, including a friend I hadn’t seen in probably a couple years. It was lovely to see what life looks like for her now. I also met up with a handful of former colleagues, one of whom I hadn’t seen in well over five years. It was truly a week of reconnections that warmed my heart and left me feeling energized.

2. Amazing customer service: The day before I was set to leave town, my car battery suddenly and inexplicable died. And totally dead. Not a single light on the panel dead. Imagine my surprise when the local dealership sent their customer shuttle driver to jump start my car so I could get it to the dealership then did all the testing on the battery free of charge. When does that happen in this day and age? I was super impressed and grateful.

3. Morning run: I went for my first “road” run in years this week (I used quotes around road because it was in a park and part gravel trail but mostly concrete paths). It was a grey and cool morning, but even the less-than-stellar weather couldn’t dampen the thrill of running! On concrete no less! If you read my post earlier this week, I’ve been telling myself that I can’t run, and certainly had this idea that only trail running was okay because the running surfaces are softer. All of that was just total crap. I ran on concrete, in shoes that aren’t really meant for running, and I was fine…it was hard work, but I was fine. In fact, I was better than fine. I was lit up.

4. White Noise App: Of course there are apps for white noise. There are apps for everything. Somehow, it has never occurred to me to look into one while travelling. We sleep with a fan on at home so I’m super used to that constant hum. Plus, it’s generally super quiet where we live so I wanted to block out city noise. Not only did I find a white noise app, but it had like twenty different settings to choose from (including lawnmower….which, to me, does not sound like something that would be soothing, but to each her own!). I opted for the fan setting and was lulled into peaceful slumber each and every night.

With that, the week is coming to a close. I’m super excited to be headed home to my favourite person and my favourite cat. I have high hopes for a weekend of golf and trail time. Hope you find what lights you up this weekend, too. Happy weekend y’all!


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